The Green Alliance for Innovative Action (GAIA) is the umbrella group for all student groups with a stake in sustainability at Stanford University. The alliance works with student group leaders, faculty, and administration to coordinate sustainability initiatives.
GAIA serves as a hub for sustainability initiatives to increase the impact of those efforts on campus by sharing ideas and resources of all groups with a vested interest in education and action in both local and global preservation. By sharing a calendar, having regular meetings, and collaborating on large events, GAIA aims to foster communication, identify large-scale challenges, and initiate a continuing campaign to raise awareness and engagement in sustainability, driven by a united effort of all groups at Stanford University with a stake in sustainability.
Member Groups as of November 2012
- Stanford Engineers for a Sustainable World (ESW)
- Stanford Green Events Consulting (GEC)
- Green Living Council (GLC)
- Stanford GRID Alternatives
- Stanford National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Environmental Justice Committee
- Stanford Solar and Wind Energy Project (SWEP)
- Stanford Energy Club (SEC)
- Stanford Students Environmental Consulting (SSEC)
- Students for a Sustainable Stanford (SSS)