Angela Kwok
Role: Chair
Year, Major: B.S. Atmosphere/Energy (2013); M.S. Sustainable Design and Construction (2014)
Angela is a senior majoring in Atmosphere and Energy Engineering, and a Coterm in Sustainable Design and Construction in Civil Engineering. Angela has been actively involved with sustainability at Stanford since the very beginning of her time at Stanford. She has been a member of Energy Crossroads (before it merged with the Stanford Energy Club) and most of all, the Green Living Council (GLC). She served as Co-President of GLC her sophomore year and continued to be a leader this past year. Aside from sustainability student groups, Angela is also a member of the Stanford Archery team. She is passionate about environmental sustainability and enjoys motivating others to adopt green practices in everyday life. Her interests lie particularly in energy efficiency and green buildings.
Email: angkwok@stanford.edu

Graham Provost
Role: Financial Officer
Year, Major: B.S. Atmosphere/Energy (2013)
Graham is a senior majoring in Atmosphere and Energy Engineering. He served as Co-President of Green Living Council (GLC) his sophomore year and continued to be involved. Graham is dedicated to making his own life, Stanford, and the World more sustainable. His academic interests include renewable energy, climate science, environmental policy, math, and almost everything else.
Email: gprovost@stanford.edu

Will Greenbaum
Role: Advisor
Year, Major: B.S. Mechanical Engineering (2013)
William is a senior majoring in Mechanical Engineering and minoring in Physics. He loves to be outdoors and tries his best to protect it. In terms of sustainability, he works by the idea that doing what is good for the environment is typically good for everything else (health, money, time, etc). He hopes other people will adopt this philosophy. After joining Green Living Council (GLC) as a freshman, William stepped up as a leader of the group. and has served as Head TA for Earth Systems 18 course. He spent last year building up the GLC as President and continues to be a leader in the sustainability community.
Email: greenw@stanford.edu